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Dr Christopher Brookes


Subjects: Mathematics

Christopher Brookes was a student at Peterhouse, completing his PhD in 1981. After a postdoctoral year in Cardiff he returned to Cambridge in 1982 as a Research Fellow and has been at Corpus since then. For twenty years, 1999 - 2018, he was as Tutor for Advanced Students responsible for the admissions and tutorial aspects of the College's postgraduate community.

He works in the algebra research group in the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (DPMMS) and currently runs the weekly algebra seminar there. He is also the DPMMS algebra advisor for students taking Part III of the Mathematical Tripos for the MMath or MASt degrees, and usually gives a III lecture course.

His work concerns the representation theory of groups and algebras with connections to algebraic geometry and geometric group theory. He was a SERC Advanced Fellow for 5 years and spent two years in Germany as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow in Würzburg and Frankfurt. He has also had a long collaboration with researchers in Melbourne.

Research Interests

Algebra and Geometry: using geometric methods to investigate infinite groups.

College Position

Life Fellow