Download the Lent 2025 Chapel Term Card
The Chapel
Corpus Christi was founded in 1352, as an act of Christian piety and charity, for the pursuit of ‘education, research, learning and religion’. To this day, the College maintains a pattern of prayer, worship, and reflection. This is centred on the College Chapel, which stands, in turn, in the centre of New Court.
Whether of any Christian denomination, religion, or none, all are welcome and invited – Graduates and Undergraduates, Fellows and Staff – to join us for Sunday and weekday services in the Chapel, or to visit the Chapel as a place of quiet and reflection. The Chapel is served by a Chaplain and by a team of student volunteers.
The Chaplain is the Revd Dr Matt Bullimore who has a background in parish ministry, theological education and widening participation. His academic interests include Christian doctrine, political theology, and social ethics.
Friendly, dignified worship
Our lively Chapel community is made up of students, Staff and Fellows from all over the world. During term, Morning and Evening Prayer is said publicly on weekdays and you are welcome to join us as we pray for the College community, the world, the Church and those in need. Do let the Chaplain know if you have any prayer requests.
Our usual pattern of worship is to have a sung Evensong on Wednesdays and Sundays, and we have a Eucharist (or Holy Communion) on Sunday morning. The Sunday services and Wednesday Evensong are enriched by our much-appreciated choir. Throughout each term there are also other occasional and seasonal services.
What's on?
Our pattern of services will be advertised here. Many of the occasional and seasonal services will be advertised through social media so do follow our Twitter @CorpusCamChapel, Facebook @CCCChapel and Instagram @corpuscamchapel accounts for the latest information about services and music.
Exploring faith and the religious life
The chapel community offers a good many opportunities to discuss and explore faith and life, through informal talks, discussions, films evenings, visits, and pilgrimages. The Chaplain and Dean of Chapel are always glad to talk to members of the College about any topic.
Chaplaincy and other faiths
The chaplaincy exists to serve the whole College community: people of all faiths and none. Please do speak to the Chaplain if you would like assistance in looking for places of worship or would like to know more about chaplaincy provision for other faith groups.
Some University departments and many Colleges have prayer rooms. There are spaces set aside for prayer at West Cambridge, Addenbrookes and the Sidgwick site. There is a list of prayer rooms here.
At Corpus there is a prayer room (E6) available for use by all religious groups and it is situated close to washing facilities.
All the chicken served at Corpus is halal and food labels notify you of allergens and whether it has been cooked in alcohol. At some formal meals halal meat can be requested.
Contact the Chaplain
The Chaplain, Matt Bullimore, is readily available to all members and staff of the College at any time, whatever their faith. Do contact him to make arrangements for any confidential conversations about anything, whether it is about welfare, to do with matters of faith and the spiritual life, or if you would just like to talk to someone. The Chaplain’s rooms are D4. Contact him by email.