Tutorial Support
At Corpus, we take student welfare very seriously; we have a dedicated team of experienced and well-trained staff who provide all the pastoral support students need to get the most out of their time at Cambridge. For more details on the range of support available see Health and Wellbeing.
The Senior Tutor
The Senior Tutor, Dr Marina Frasca-Spada (senior-tutor@corpus.cam.ac.uk or mfs10@cam.ac.uk) has overall responsibility for the academic arrangements and welfare of all undergraduate students at Corpus, and sits at the head of all Tutorial staff. |
Each student is assigned their own Tutor, who is a College Fellow from a different subject area. Tutors offer support on any non-academic matter, such as financial issues or health concerns. Tutors generally arrange meetings with their students once every term, but can always be approached for advice and support.
The Tutorial Office
The Tutorial Team (Caroline Lewis, John Richardson, George Rutherford and Sarah White) are happy to assist with problems and enquiries of all descriptions, and undergraduates are always welcome to visit the Tutorial Office (on A-Staircase, New Court) between 09.00 and 17.00 on weekdays. This is a good starting point if you aren’t sure who else to ask. They can be contacted at tutorial@corpus.cam.ac.uk or on +44 (0)1223 763583.
If you need a student status letter or College-produced transcript, you can request one here.
Emergency Contact
Out of working hours, undergraduates should contact the Duty Porter on 01223 338000 or mobile 07879 116962 for help in emergencies.
Other Support
The College Nurse
The College Nurse is available during term time in H2 (specific times to be confirmed). Contact her via email or phone 01223 766265.
The University Counselling Service (UCS)
The University Counselling Service runs workshops and courses as well as providing one-to-one counselling, all of which are free of charge. The UCS is completely confidential and the College is not informed as to who is using the service.
The Chaplain
The Reverend Matt Bullimore has a room at College (Room D4) and has a general pastoral role for the whole Corpus community. His telephone number is 01223 338002. He is there for students regardless of their religion, and can be approached in confidence at any time and on any matter. Corpus is an exciting and happy place but it can be stressful at times and students are welcome to call on him in times of anxiety, or if there is something you would like to talk through – whether or not it is spiritual. |
The University Careers Service
The Careers Service provides careers advice and information to all current University of Cambridge undergraduates, postgraduates, postdocs and alumni. They are impartial and can work with you from day one to explore options, connect with employers and navigate the complex job market – saving you time and maximising your employability prospects. Whether you have no idea what to do next, a few ideas or a definite plan, they offer plenty to help you take the next step: one-to-one guidance consultations; 14 major careers events each year; an extensive programme of briefings and skill sessions; coordinated employer presentations; a free book on CVs and Applications; and a database of over 4,000 graduate-level job vacancies. Register and access a wealth of resources at www.careers.cam.ac.uk.