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Online Resources

Online catalogues

All borrowable and reference material in the Taylor Library can be found in the main University catalogue iDiscover. A wealth of other resources are available from Cambridge Libraries and the University Library.

User accounts and renewing books

iDiscover also gives access to My Library Account for members of the University, which lists all books on loan from libraries in Cambridge. Login to your account by entering your Cambridge email address ( and Raven password. The option to login is found at the top of the iDiscover page by clicking on '...' Once open, the main page will resemble the following.

My Library Account

Loans can be renewed individually or renewed together (see 'Renew All' option circled in red above). Renewals typically repeat the initial loan period (e.g. for a 14 day loan, 14 days are given from the point of renewal). Unlike colleges, many department libraries will automatially renew books in the University. Taylor Library books will not automatically renew. Books will need to be physically returned by the due date once the renewal window expires.

Ebooks and ejournals

The University subscribes to ebooks and ejournals from a variety of external platforms, which are accessed via iDiscover or the eresources page. You may not need authentication if you are working on campus; however, you will need your Cambridge email address ( and Raven password to access electronic resources away from the University.

Subject-specific help

For help with accessing suitable electronic resources in your subject, have a look at Cambridge LibGuides. These are pages are created by subject librarians to help with various tasks, such as using library resources or doing research. For other common enquiries, please see the list of FAQs.