Event Booking
This webpage explains the process for requesting approval for an event or gathering held in College. There are two systems:
- The Corpus Event Booking System (CEBS) should be used by students, fellows and staff of Corpus Christi College, where the proposed event involves an external speaker, requires catering, and/or will take place in a Bookable College Venue (see below for a list).
- The Corpus Informal Gatherings Register (CIGaR) should be used by students for events involving more than 12 people in any Student Room, or more than 30 people in the JCR/MCR.
Please note that you must be logged into your University of Cambridge Microsoft account to access these systems. If you receive an error message, please go to www.office.com and sign in with your @cam email before returning to the systems.
Details on which system should be used to book an event and to obtain approval is detailed in Rule 36 of the College Rules for Students, which is reproduced below.
Rule 36 of the College Rules for Students
Students, whether acting individually or on behalf of a College/University society, wishing to hold a party, meeting, function, dinner, event and/or any other social gathering (hereinafter referred to as “events”) must adhere to relevant protocol set out below. It is the responsibility of the Student organising the event to ensure that the correct protocol is followed. For the purposes of these Rules, ‘speaker’ is defined as someone who is invited to talk on a subject.
1. Where the event
a) involves an external speaker;
b) requires catering; and/or
c) will take place in a Bookable College Venue (see list below).
then it must be booked, and permission must be sought, via Corpus Event Booking System (CEBS) at least 7 days before the event is due to take place. If the event requires catering, then the request must be made 14 days before the event is due to take place.
Events on College premises but outside of individual student rooms, the JCR/MCR, or a Fellow’s office/room must be booked and permission sought using CEBS. For events in locations other than Bookable College Venues (see list below), the proposed location must be specified in the comments on the online form.
The online form enables the user to book a room/garden area, request catering facilities and seek permission from the Dean of College.
** The only exception to this protocol is that events taking place in the Leckhampton BBQ Area or the Leckhampton Gardens with fewer than 30 people may be booked using the Corpus Informal Gathering Register (CIGaR). Events with more than 30 people must be booked and permission must be sought using CEBS.
2. The College does not manage bookings for the JCR/MCR, or individual Student rooms. However, permission from the Dean of College is required for any event that:
a. involves more than 12 people in any Student room; or
b. Involves more than 30 people in the JCR/MCR.
Permission must be obtained via the Corpus Informal Gathering Register (CIGaR) at least 48 hours before the requested event is due to take place.
NB: the thresholds for seeking permission cannot be circumvented by the use of multiple nearby rooms where such rooms form part of the same overall event.
List of Bookable College Rooms and Garden Venues that must be booked using CEBS: Dining Hall (Old House); Fellows’ Garden (Old House); Harley Mason Room (Old House); Kho Roof Terrace (Leckhampton); Law Room (Old House); Leckhampton Bar (Leckhampton); Leckhampton Dining Hall (Leckhampton); Leckhampton Music Room (Leckhampton); McCrum Lecture Theatre (Old House); Meeting Room I4 (Old House); NCR (Old House); New Court (Old House); OCR (Old House); Old Court (Old House); Parker Room (Old House); Pelican Bar (Old House); and Warden’s Meeting Room (Leckhampton).
Corpus Event Booking System
Please use this link to access the Corpus Event Booking System (CEBS). If you want to discuss possible rooms or catering options available beforehand, please contact the team at conferences@corpus.cam.ac.uk. If you are requesting a recurring event, please indicate this and the other dates in the comments box at the end of the form.
Corpus Informal Gatherings Register
Please use this link to access the Corpus Informal Gatherings Register (CIGaR). If you are requesting a recurring gathering, please indicate this and the other dates in the comments box at the end of the form.