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Pelican Poets & Writers: The Waste Land

The Pelican Poets and Writers' Society warmly invites you to a reading and discussion of T.S. Eliot's extraordinary poem 'The Waste Land', on Monday 27 November in the New Combination Room. 

Drinks and refreshments will be served from 7.30, and the session will run from 8-9.45, with a break for refreshments. 

'The Waste Land' (1922) has been described as the defining poem of the 20th century, and even after a hundred years has lost nothing of its fascination, its resonance, and its power to inspire both creative response, and scholarship. 

No knowledge or preparation is needed, and no expertise in poetry - just a spirit of enquiry. The Pelican Poets has always been a unique society where members of the Corpus community have met to share and extend their knowledge of poetry in a relaxed and congenial atmosphere. 

For catering purposes, it is helpful to have an idea of numbers, so do tell us if you plan to join us, but we also welcome spontaneous attendance! Contact Elizabeth Stephan at: